What Next?
Crucial work for nature and the climate doesn't stop after the march!
The delivery groups behind the march are always active, and some have specific campaigns that you can get involved in!
Letters To The Earth
Take on the voice of nature and write a short letter to the next Prime Minster on the back of a beautiful origami bird.
Download your messenger bird and follow the online
instructions. More info

Guides and tools to help speak up for nature this General Election.
Join the campaign and use provided guides to speak up for nature. More info
The Wildlife Trusts

Five priorities for the next government for nature recovery.
Support on social media and participate in e-actions. More info

Manifesto for nature recovery and climate action
Share on social media and engage in local advocacy. More info
Rewilding Britain

Campaign to dedicate 30% of land and seas to rewilding by 2030.
The Woodland Trust

Campaign to get candidates to promote policies on woods and trees post-election.
Email your candidate and download a poster. More info
Extinction Rebellion (XR)
Upgrade Democracy!
Campaign for democratic reforms with citizens assemblies to address the climate and ecological crisis.
Find out the date of the next action, and be the first to know the location. More info
Love & Rage

Grassroots campaigns for environmental and social justice.
Participate in actions and share campaign resources. More info
Friends of the Earth

General election demands for environmental policies, including increasing expenditure on active travel and advocating for global climate action.
Tell your next MP: be a friend of the earth. More info

Encouraging actions to protect wild plants and fungi.
Join campaigns and support through advocacy. More info
National Trust

Promoting the importance of National Parks and natural spaces.
Find out what the National Trust wants to see for Nature. More info
Wildlife and Countryside Link (WCL)

Nature manifestoes – see what a range of environment organisations are advocating for around the General Election
Engage with General Election manifestoes and advocacy campaigns. More info